2021 E Hennepin Ave., Suite 418-4, Minnepolis, Minnesota 55413
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Phone: 612-234-0705

Email: info@metrodailycare.com
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Securing a home to make you feel comfortable and safe

Finding a home can be daunting and overwhelming to people with circumstances or situations such as financial costs, life-limiting illnesses, mental health disorders, disabilities, and more. Metro Daily Care LLC provides housing stabilization services that help you secure a home best suited to your situation.

What is HSS?

The Housing Stabilization Services (HSS) program provides housing-related services to persons who are eligible and enrolled Medicaid beneficiaries to assist them in obtaining and maintaining stable housing. These individuals must also have a documented disability or disabling condition, need assistance due to that disability in obtaining and maintaining housing, and experience housing instability. The purpose of these services is to support a person’s transition into housing, build long-term stability in housing, and prevent future periods of homelessness and institutionalization.

Eligibility for these housing stabilization services is as follows:

  • Individuals with physical limitations or disabilities
  • Housing instability due to homelessness, behaviors, mental instability, and communication problems
  • Serious medical issues
  • Substance abuse disorders
  • Risk of institutionalization

Housing Consultation

People who require housing stabilization services but lack a waiver, targeted case management, or an MSHO/MSC+ care coordinator can complete the necessary person-centered planning by working with an enrolled housing consultant. Enrolled housing consultants support a person in choosing their housing transition or sustaining provider and assist the person in creating a housing-focused, person-centered Plan (DHS-7307). This service must be unique compared to all others and cannot duplicate any support or services to the person already has access.

We provide the following Housing Consultation services:

  • Guiding the person to access documentation required for Housing Stabilization Services eligibility
  • Creating a housing-focused, person-centered plan based on the results of the assessments
  • Supporting the person in recognizing their strengths, needs, and wants in housing, including cultural requirements and preferences
  • Assisting the person to make a reasonable choice in their housing transition
  • Providing resource details for services that support non-housing related goals as identified in the person-centered planning process
  • Collaborating with other service providers currently working with the person
  • Helping the person to recognize their rights to privacy and appeal information
  • Annually updating the person-centered plan as it relates to housing

Housing Transition

Our housing transition services assist individuals in transitioning to a new home and creating a housing transition plan. As we develop a housing transition plan, we negotiate a lease, the housing search and application process, develop a budget, find funding for deposits, and organize the move. We find the best housing options for our clients’ situations. We identify resources to ensure a smooth transition to a new home. We also check if the new living arrangement is safe and secure for the person.

Housing Sustaining

The goal of house-sustaining services is to help people stay in a comfortable and safe home that is appropriate for their health conditions. We help with education and training to develop good relationships between landlords, property managers, neighbors, and housemates in different aspects. We also keep up with the latest housing-related matters and housing retention, ensuring that we maintain streamlined communication with tenants and property managers. We also advocate for providing community resources to prevent eviction when housing is at risk and keep the individual safe. There’s continuous training on being a good tenant, lease compliance, housing-related benefits, and household management.

Do you have further inquiries or concerns? Please call us at 612-234-0705, or email us at info@metrodailycare.com. You can also send us a message here.